Saturday, February 9, 2008

Quailty Control

Are you SICK of rippers?

I think this has been a topic washing through the fashion comunity at the moment so i decided to take action. After all Knowlage is power.

Thisis my Proposal

Think of this blog as a yellow pages of Reputable Shops. There will be NO COST to add a blog and i plan on indexing shops and SURLS.

Im also thinking about letting people post anymouse reviews about the QUAILTY (not opinion) of an item (like the reviews you would read on amazon)

Protesting wont stop somone from selling ripped goods there sitting behind a computer screen far away from you, but if people know *what* there actualy buying i think i might stop a few unsupecting consumers from making a hastey purchase.

Email Any Shop names and SURLS (A MUST I WONT SEARCH FOR THEM)

Then i can personaly check them out for any rips and add them to the list. If there is Enough intrest then ill start indexing shops e.g Womans Wear, Mens Etc meaning theres and untilmate fashion directory for people



EMChartreuse said...

Brilliant! This is a fantastic idea, you rock!

Marni Grut said...

Just Added a Shiny and kinda long but needed FAQ

Eyva Matova said...

I love the idea, maybe even if you went so far as to have a committee of people involved in the fashion community who aren't designers, who can vote on inclusions or exclusions.

If you can weed out the constructive anons versus the anons with an axe to grind, I think you'll have done a great service!

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