Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Rezday Marni!

I've been one of the luckiest people in SL to have met and gotten to know the bizarre, wonderful creative force that is Marni Grut. Her fantastic sense of humour and willingness to throw caution to the wind and make the most bizarre yet gorgeous clothing and accessory creations always inspires me and motivates me to keep trying when I lose my way.

We met just as she was starting her label and even her first releases were items I'd never seen anyone attempt, and I was in awe. While most people (including myself) were making lines just like you would find in RL, Marni used the possibilities SL could provide her designing skills, and would create anti-gravity dresses and flamingo bags galore.

So while your presents coming my common law SL wife, just thought I'd abuse my ability to reach a large number of people and say Happy Rezday crazy girl, I'm so lucky to have gotten to know you and SL is that much better for me because you're in it. You big dork.


Tenshi said...

Happy Rezday Marni!!! <333

Jen said...

Happy Rezday Marni! :D Just after reading Eyva's profile I felt that SL is a better place with you both in it .

Marni Grut said...

oi! so it is!