Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Fashionista - a Creature to be ware of

The SL fashionista can be picked out from a crowd; her cake bedroom prim lashes, framing her FD eyes. A soft glow being given of by her face lamp illuminating her loveys skin. Clutching he PC bag and tottering on her sculptie maitraya heels.

The true fashionista is a rare breed many impostors try to mimic the true creature in an attempt to join there heard. She shops alone and has a steely reproachable manner as she often talking in IM’s to her fellows. Its has been my experience whilst attempting to infiltrate this heard that these action are not meant in predatory manner. The permanent contact between the fashionista’s in merely a call to other telling them were the best products are for replenishing their inventories. The will later be found at a trendy watering hole swapping gossip and tips.

Once in the heard there is a hierarchy system those with the best plumage rank highest. Also newcomers to the flock will be treated with suspicion until proven to not be an impostor.

To catch a full-grown specimen one must have one of two things, a male avi with payment info on file whilst having a kind-giving manor or for a shop to catch a fashionista, to quote the godfather “make them and offer they can not refuse”.

The fashionista is similar to the magpie in the sense that they are attracted to shiny things, which they will hoard in there nests. Although in fact not in the avian family despite the spindly like appearance. They are in fact carnivorous epically around sales and special offers. If captured should be treated with care and allowed to read her favourite blogs.

Can be spotted in the desolate area often around tabalue or in the latest trendy shop.


Anonymous said...

soo funny.. love it.. I was laughing from the begining.. i have my cake lashes, face lamp, lovey skin.. all of it haha.. great writing :)

Anonymous said...

Doest it count if your lashes come from Celestial and your skin comes from TaP?

*giggles hysterically*

Queenie Extraordinaire said...

lmaoooo...thanks, that was the perfect thing to read after a long day at work :-)


Scarlett Niven said... true...very, very witty and nicely done...:-)

Anonymous said...

tee hee.. bless your irreverence!

Eyva Matova said...

Hahahaha genius :D

Tenshi said...

rotfl... Marni, my love, you are a card!!